Hi Everyone,
Gregg gave a very good lecture on Propagation today. I will try to explain some of what I learned.
1. The Date is on the very top with the time. The time is in Zulu time.
2. Then Gregg taught us all about the Solar Flux Index. I included a link here for comprehension.
3. A Index This also deals with noise. The A index is four cycles so this number will always be larger than the K index. If the number varies greatly, you know there is a lot of noise.
4.304.A is the temperature. You want a low temperature for good propagation.
The Ptn flux measures the E layer.
The Elc flux measures the F layer. Note: you want these numbers to be high.
When you see the words poor in red, it means the band is unworkable for DX. You might be able to make a local contact but that's it.
When it says good in green, you know that the band is doing well.
Gregg also shared a video with us. I put it here from youtube so that you have the option of subscribing if you wish, or you can watch it on QRZ, either works fine. 73!